This page provides links to all the old material that has not been incorporated into the current website. No attempt has been made to link these pages to other pages in the current website. Navigation buttons have been removed. While an attempt was made to make the pages functional by including the appropriate images, there may be images missing, email addresses are no longer valid, or links that have been disabled. Nevertheless, it was deemed important to save the material here and make it public for the reconstruction of history of the KnightLites by those that are interested.
Use the back arrow in your browser to return from any of these links.
RoundTable (example net reports)
Early History, recalled by Bob Kellog
Cape Lookout 1994 (photos are missing)
ARCI QSO Party 1997 (plus a couple of extra pictures)
KL/Grand Strand Social at AB4LG's Pond House 1998
mw Contest sponsored by Knightlites 2000
Regen Workshop at Clayton Middle School 2001
Dayton Hamvention (FDIM?) 2001
40-9er assembled by Todd, AG4AY (date?)
KL 80m Transmitter by John, WB4OFT (1997)