Welcome to the KnightLites PONDHOUSE Pics Page!


Here are some pictures taken at the Saturday February 28, 1998, gathering of the Grand Strand QRP Society and the KnightLites, at Richard's (AB4LG) Pond House. The occasion was marked by good weather, lots of fun in meeting new friends and seeing long-time ones. The hospitality and friendliness of the Grand Strand QRP Society members was fabulous, and it was a real treat to gab about QRP, see the show-and-tell of homebrew and kit rigs, and share past experiences and future plans.


Here is a view of the big bunch of interesting rigs and accessories we saw in the show-and-tell:

Our Imperial Beacon Master W3RDF showed his 10/15m beacon ... (and 30m model, not shown here)

Some of the great folks we saw there:

Oh how sweet it is! (one version of the KnightLites first group project, the SMiTe surface-mount transceiver in a candy tin).