Welcome to the KnightLites Field Day 1998 Page!



Here is a report from Sir Derek on the KL FD 98 operation (see below for PICTURES!):


It was so hot that...it really was hot and HUMID...temp near 100 degrees and humidity well above 90%. Inspite of the weather, we had FUN and made a bunch of QSOs. There was a bright side to the heat...the mosquitoes didn't care for it either and chose to stay away. :-)
It was simply amazing to see the amount of wire that Paul had overhead...no radio wave could help but be entrapped. We ran Class 3A (Battery). On top of the 3 HF stations, (as the rules permitted) we had a 6 meter (Ralph, N7RI) and a Novice / Technician station (Gordon, KB4EIB). The really surprising thing was propagation - we had solid 10 M openings on both Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Ralph, N7RI, was rewarded for his recent building efforts (his new 6 meter converter) by working numerous stations on 6 M SSB. Dave, WA4NID, brought out his packet station. John, WB4OFT, snagged our solar powered bonus points. As expected, the 20 and 40 meter bands were especially hot. Due to a last minute complication, Randy, WJ4P, was unable to join us - you were missed. As for the final tally, our logsheets (and there were plenty) will tell. Bob, AE4IC, was "volunteered" to take care of this and, I'm certain, will let us know the outcome.
My thanks go to Paul and his family for the hospitality they extended (and a COOL place to sack out). 72 de Derek, WF4I
Part of the "Greensboro Contingent"



One more report! This one from Bob AE4IC:

It was great fun. It was so hot the mosquitoes didn't even come out of their hiding places to bother us.
We were at the Stroud Estate, about 10 miles south of Raleigh, NC. Paul, AA4XX, has a nice small farm with horses, etc. There is a good sized field with large trees all around, and one large tree in the middle, ideal for wire antennas. And, we had a bunch, ranging from 80M phased dipoles to 10M and 15M dipoles to Ralph, N7RI's, 6M beam and a 2M J-pole. Hospitality was great also. Paul's Dad came by with home made apple pie and ice cream for all. We Knightlites do not let operating interfere with the social aspects of our outings. This occasion was no exception. Saturday evening some of us drove to a nearby restaurant for dinner. (Hey, we were in "the field", not the boondocks!)
Paul, AA4XX, Derek, WF4I, Ralph, N7RI, Gordon, KF4EIB, Bob, AE4IC, John, WB4OFT, John Paul, AB4PP, and Dave, WA4NID, did most of the operating. We were visited and assisted by Henry the dog, Lyn, W4WDN, Steve, AE4YQ, and Ralph's young son and daughter. In addition we were visited briefly by the cat, other neighborhood dogs, and late Saturday night a neighborhood couple meandered by, full of questions.
We operated 3A with a 2M station, a Novice station and a valiant attempt at packet with no success. Dave, WA4NID, made valiant effort with a QRP packet station with the assistance of Steve, AE4YQ, in true Knightlite fashion, but there was no one else on packet for field day, at least within reach of our VHF station (otherwise we'd have had plenty of contacts!)


The first pass at a QSOs total looks like this:
Band	QSOs	
2M	2	
6M	55
10M	28
15M	63
20M	143
40M	193
80M	29

The highlight for me was when I decided to call CQ with my mighty 1 watt on 10M and was fielding replies as fast as I could handle them for a few minutes. Other interesting contacts were when WQ0RP answered our call, (we were WQ4RP), and when we called an Ohio station at the same time as WQ6RP! It took a few minutes to get that incident straightened out... As usual, a great outing. Let's do it again next year!
Bob Kellogg, AE4IC, Greensboro, NC


And NOW for some pictures!


Paul's (AA4XX) place is real BIG, with great trees for antenna supports. Here you can see the 6m beam and station, the 40m station, and wire HF antennas in background.



      Ralph, N7RI, at the helm of the 6m station






Another one of the 6m station, showing Ralph, with the 40m tent/station in the back. Is that Paul to the left?




John WB4OFT at the 10m/15m open-air station. He is making QSO number 1 on these bands for us!



Bob, AE4IC, John, WB4OFT, and Steve, AE4YQ, at the 10m/15m station




Ralph, Bob, and Gordon KF4EIB at the 20/80m station (working 20m during the day)



Gordon KF4EIB was our star at the special Novice/Tech station. This was on 40m CW. Gordon was also a great contributor to the 6m SSB score! Here he is at the 40m CW post.



J.P. AB4PP at 40m station




Derek was eatin' 'em up on 40m CW





Dave WA4NID tried to find those packet ops to no avail (later had a blast on 20m CW though!)