Welcome to the KnightLites
Round Table Page!
One of our main activities is the meeting
of the Knights on Sunday nights at 9:00 pm
(Eastern local time), on the amateur 80-meter band, on 3686.4 kHz (Frequency is
approximate, and the net control station may start a bit higher or lower.) This
is a directed net, but we like to exchange comments and announcements, so I
guess it should be called a rag-chew net. We call this the Round Table in
keeping with the Knights theme. Please join in the fun! Since most are
interested in QRP operation, some folks will check in with less than one watt!
The net control station keeps the code speed low to encourage check-ins among
those who are beginners with the morse code, or those who may be a bit rusty! So
don't be shy, just jump in there and pound some brass!
2002 Round Table File below is missing. new_page_2.htm is not the right file name. |
Here are the buttons to connect to past year's.